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A Buyer’s Perspective

Winning the bidding wars

Lines of Communication in Real Estate

Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.  Have a question about real estate?  Email us here Dear Phyllis, I am wondering about lines of communication in real estate. Over the years, I have bought several h...

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Winning the bidding wars

Uncooperative Sellers

Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.  Have a question about real estate?  Email us here Dear Phyllis, We made an offer for $25,000 over asking price which the seller accepted. We initially met the sell...

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Winning the bidding wars

Seller Fails to Disclose

Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.  Have a question about real estate?  Email us here Dear Phyllis, I look forward to your column and think this question is new. Is not providing real estate disclo...

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Winning the bidding wars

Seller doesn’t want to move

Dear Phyllis, After looking at homes forever, and writing offers where we missed out either to cash buyers or by just a few thousand dollars, we finally got an offer accepted. Now we are nearly ready to close but the seller doesn't want ...

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Winning the bidding wars

Time is a buyer’s worst enemy

Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.  Have a question about real estate?  Email us here Dear Phyllis, I haven’t seen you address this. Does accepting the seller's counter offer equal a binding contra...

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A first time home buyer begins to settle in

A first time home buyer begins to settle in

My youngest daughter works in Beverly Hills and the daily commute from La Canada is overwhelming. Because rents are astronomical we tackled the rent versus buy dilemma. Tenants have little security over rent increases, or worse notice to vacate...

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Buying in 2017? 4 Steps to Take Now

Home Buying in 2017? 4 Steps to Take Now By Jennifer Riner Although interest rates recently suffered their first hike of the year, the financial advantages of home buying are still alive and well. With lesser monthly expenses and the p...

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Winning the bidding wars

Is Earthquake Insurance Worth the Expense?

Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.  Have a question about real estate?  Email us here Dear Phyllis, Because earthquake insurance is so costly, my wife and I have always opted to not purchase the addi...

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