Home Selling: When to start packing?
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
After two months on the market, we finally accepted an offe...
Planning a home sale and retirement
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
My wife and I are hoping to sell our home and retire. We hav...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
We will be selling our home next March and took your advice and already hired our Realtor...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
I look forward to your column and I have a completely different question for you. We have...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
I look forward to reading your column each week and learning about current trends in real estate. I...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
We have lived in our home for fifteen years and don’t have plans to sell anytime soon. We visit n...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
My two sisters and I are co-trustees of our father’s estate. However, they both live out of state...
Pricing your Los Angeles home to sell is as much art as science.
In May of this year Harb & Co. listed 5821 Buena Vista Terrace for $650,000. More than twenty offers were written and this Highland Park home sold for $837,000 nearly 3...
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
I am the executor of my aunt’s estate. She passed away last year. She was an avid collector and I h...
Dear Phyllis,
Reading your weekly question and answers I haven’t seen one on real estate disclosures. I am in the midst of selling a home in Glendale. I acquired this property through foreclosure and it has always been a rental, ...