Seniors who resist decluttering
Dear Phyllis,
I look forward to your real estate column. We have lived in our La Crescenta home for more than thirty years. We raised our family here and now it’s just the two of us. There are so many r...
Is a referral fee required to cancel a listing?
Dear Phyllis,
My aunt listed her Arizona condo with a Realtor who is very active in her neighborhood. I am sure you understand how difficult it is for her to keep her home in showing condi...
New Tax Law When Selling A Home
Dear Phyllis,
My husband and I are in a position to retire now or we could wait several more years. We own a vacation home in Palm Springs and can live there until we decide where we want to move. Housing...
Listing Paperwork
Dear Phyllis,
I look forward to your real estate articles, and think I have a new topic for you. My wife and I purchased a condo in Arizona and are moving in a couple of months. We have met with our real estate agent s...
Dear Phyllis,
I have enjoyed your real estate column for years. In the past, you have discussed seller disclosures but I have more specific questions for you. As the Trustee for my mother’s estate, I believe I need to inform the buyer ...
Dear Phyllis,
I really enjoy your column and hope you can clarify something for me. Earlier this year I refinanced my mortgage. And now my employer has offered me a promotion if I relocate out of state. I contacted the real estate agent ...
Dear Phyllis,
I am the trustee of my uncle’s estate and my two sisters and I are the beneficiaries. My sister works for a property management company and her boss highly recommended a very well-known local Realtor®. He is very knowled...
Dear Phyllis,
I am seeking advice on buying and selling simultaneously in this crazy market. We know we can sell our home quickly as the homes in our neighborhood immediately sell and usually over the asking price. Last month, we found a...
I am in the midst of preparing two listing for sale. The sellers of my La Crescenta listing have lived in the home for twenty years and their adult children need to claim their belongings from the garage. Like most listings, the landscape needs...
Dear Phyllis,
I am now the trustee of my parent’s Washington state home and am now interviewing Realtors. Because the home is vacant, one Realtor suggested a lockbox as this will make it easier to show. The other prefers that he or som...