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Scholl Canyon Estates – Senior Living

Experienced Realtors are a valuable resource. Many clients contact me for recommendations for roofers, plumbers, etc. Working with many Seniors who have homes to sell, I am often asked about Senior Living. There is an apartment building across the street from Spiritual Heart Yoga, where my husband’s aunt lived. She was very happy there with the companionship of like-minded Seniors. For those needing more help, I recommend Scholl Canyon Estates in Glendale. My mom recently moved there and is very happy.

Scholl Canyon Estates – Senior Living

After my father passed, my mother moved in with my sister in Washington State. However, the move was not without its challenges. The COVID pandemic made it difficult for her to socialize and make new friends. My sister is a gourmet cook and spoiled my mom.  While I’ve had the opportunity to join my mom for lunch at Scholl Canyon Estates and found the food to be quite appetizing, I must admit that my mom is not a raving fan of all their meals. However, she does enjoy their breakfasts and homemade soups, which are always a hit.

On the plus side:

They have a large library, game room, and small gym. Complimentary transportation for doctor appointments is available Tuesday and Thursday. Shopping trips to Trader Joe’s, Rite Aid, CVS, etc., are on Monday and Friday. Outings such as casino trips and museum visits are on Wednesdays. There is a salon for nails and hair. My mom, being Catholic, enjoys mass there every other Sunday. On alternate Sundays when there is no mass, she joins me at St. Bede in La, Canada.

Scholl Canyon Estates offers exceptional senior living options within its picturesque surroundings in Glendale, California. With a focus on providing comfort, convenience, and community, senior residents can enjoy a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle tailored to their needs. With its commitment to fostering a vibrant and supportive environment, Scholl Canyon Estates is the perfect choice for seniors seeking an active and fulfilling retirement experience.

In case you are curious, we offered my mom to move in with us. But the stairs are getting to be challenging for her. And with two German Shepherds it’s not a quiet household. She is much happier in a calmer environment.

If you want to learn more, let me know and you can meet my mom for a complimentary lunch or dinner and check it out.




One thought on “Scholl Canyon Estates – Senior Living

  1. Sam says:

    I think food can be challenging in many of these senior living communities. My mom spent some time in one as well. It wasn’t so much the taste of the food but the temperature she had issues with. Many times her food was cold especially if it was delivered to her room instead of the dining area. Unfortunately during Covid that is where most meals were served

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