Take a quick look at where La Canada real estate values February 2014. Year-over-year comparison:
February 2013:
The average price per sq ft of La Canada homes was $455.41
The average home was selling/closing in 121 days
The avera...
Dreams do come true! Generously proportioned, 5179 Sky Ridge Drive La Crescenta is ideal for both comfortable living and large scale entertaining.
Attention to detail at this Prestigious Markridge Estates home is evidenced by numerous upgrad...
A small (660 sq ft) Glendale home sold at $642 a foot which skewed most of Glendale’s numbers.
The absorption rate is the highest it’s been in the last fourteen months. An absorption rate of under 5.0% reflects a very strong seller’s...
There are cities where residents never want to leave. However, they often outgrow the existing housing stock, and new neighborhoods and communities need to be carved out.
Less than twenty years ago, La Crescenta needed more affluen...
My mom has been in town for a short visit and my aunt who was also visiting from out of town came and spent a couple of days at our home. Now that both my girls are out of the home, (one a college grad and one still a student) I...
Before becoming a real estate agent, I was in mortgage banking. Years ago, real estate lending was based on common sense. We reviewed each loan application manually; there was no computer program to determine if an applicant was credit-worthy.�...
I sell real estate. But not really; I sell homes, but not that either. What is a real estate matchmaker. I help you make memories. I sell Thanksgiving dinner at your home and Christmas morning under the tree. I am selling the guest bedroom...
The good news for La Crescenta home sellers is that the average price per square foot has increased 16% since February of last year. The average La Crescenta home is selling for more than $138,000 over last year.
The good news for La Cresc...
When do I get the keys? Before you do, there are several important dates in a real estate transaction that must occur before the buyer gets keys.
1) The date the buyer removes their investigative contingency. This is the date...
I have recently sold several homes where the homeowners lived for decades. I have been in my home for nearly twenty years, and the thought of moving makes me panic (fortunately, we aren’t going anywhere). Where to begin when selling your home...