The Realtor you hired should have prepared a marketing plan for your home. In addition to marketing to buyers, this agent should have a strong network of cooperating Realtors to expedite the search for a buyer. They should hire a professional to take high-resolution photos that showcase your home’s best features and promote it online and offline.
Your home should be marketed where consumers search. According to NAR’s Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers report:
Top Places Home Buyers Found the Home They Purchased:
- 50% Internet
- 28% Real Estate Agent
- 7% Yard Sign/Open House Sign
- 5% Friend, Relative, or Neighbor
- 3% Directly from Sellers/Knew the Sellers
- 1% Print Newspaper Ad
Of course, each market and the consumers in it are different,
so you should consult with your Realtor about which
is the best venue to market your home.