ask phyllis real estate question, real estate q and A
Dear Phyllis,
After rounds of counter offers we sold our La Canada home. The buyer did their inspection and then there were more inspections and another round of negotiations. Just when I thought we were done, my agent called to tell me the buyer wants to come back yet again – this time to take some measurements. I don’t understand why they didn’t measure when they were here so many times before. I still own the home and am extremely tired of these constant intrusions. Just how much access is the buyer entitled to?
Thank You,
Fed up
Dear Fed up,
Congratulations on making it through the inspection negotiations, this is often difficult and it’s great that you have moved past this stage. I understand that it is difficult to lose the privacy of your home during the selling process. Now that you are busy packing and making your own moving arrangements constant visits by the buyer are an inconvenience. How much access is the buyer entitled to when in escrow?
Once the buyer has removed their investigative (inspection) contingency, the standard real estate contract only grants one more visit by the buyer. This is the final walk through which takes place approximately 5 days prior to escrow closing. Unless your contract states something to the contrary you are not required to allow this additional visit by the buyer. They certainly could take measurements during their final walk through.
If you were my client, I would advise that it’s good that the buyer is excited and wants to get back in the home. Now that the tension regarding negotiations is over, it should not be a problem for the buyer to take another look and measure. Their taking measurements may indicate that they are ordering appliances or something else; the buyer spending money on their new home proves their commitment. Consider asking your Realtor® to instruct the buyer’s agent that once all contingencies are removed the buyer can take measurements but because you are packing this will be the buyer’s last visit until the final walk through. Their measuring appointment should not greatly inconvenience you. Although you aren’t required to be there, one of the Realtors should be present.
Congratulations on the sale of your La Canada home and best of luck on your move.