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Harb & Co. Real Estate Wrap Up

I was hoping for one quick mini vacation before my daughter starts her new job, but it looks as if my husband George will be taking a boy’s fishing trip to Cabo…. Someone needs to watch the dogs and it appears that’s me.  Perhaps there’s time for a quick trip to San Francisco….

In the meantime:

3351 Coy Drive

The buyer has removed their investigative contingency (inspection), no concessions, and their loan is approved.  We are moving towards closing.

1127 Eilinita Ave

The buyer has removed their investigative contingency (inspection) with no concessions.  The buyer had originally applied with Capital One.  As the listing agent, it is my job to follow up on the lender’s progress.  I phoned Capital One

Phyllis: Hi, I am Phyllis Harb, the listing agent for the home located at 1127 Eilinita Ave.. Have you received a copy of the purchase contract?  Do you need escrow contact info?

Capital One: We can’t tell you that, it’s private information. We only deal with the buyer.

Phyllis: Okay, when you want to get in the home for the appraisal, do you contact me?

Capital One: No we contact the buyer.

Phyllis:  But the buyer doesn’t have access to the home.

Capital One:  Uhhhhh

Phyllis: Do you have escrow’s information?

Capital One:  We can’t tell you that, it’s private information. We only deal with the buyer.

Phyllis: Okay, got it, let me give you escrow information, you don’t need to tell me if you have it or not, I will just give it to you.

Capital One: Okay

Once, my Capital One phone call was completed, I called the buyer’s Realtor, who lucky for me is very professional, I explained to him I was concerned about Capital One.  The buyer immediately made a second application with Daniel Arias from Wells Fargo.   We are meeting the Wells Fargo appraisal today.  Still haven’t heard any more from Capital One.

Home buyers it really, really, makes a huge difference which lender you use.

 7207 Flora Morgan
Will be coming on the market next month.  If you know anyone looking for a home + guest house, with complete privacy, let me know.


One thought on “Harb & Co. Real Estate Wrap Up

  1. John says:

    Confidentiality rules can be very sticky/tricky to deal with. Happens all the time when trying to handle medical issues for family members. Many times i just call back later, get a different person on the line willing to help. I just had this issue with spectrum cable of all things while trying to help my mom. Cable confidentiality????

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