Our team consists of three licensed real estate agents, me, my brother-in-law Joe Harb and my buyer’s agent. Joey will soon be getting her real estate license as well. In the meantime she oversees the marketing (advertising, property brochures, single property web sites) and assists us in the nonstop paperwork required in a real estate transaction.
We also have Carol, who was one of my sister’s best friends from when they attended Glendale’s Incarnation School together. Carol oversees homeowner’s renovations (painting, landscaping, whatever a home seller has opted to have done in order to sell for the highest price). She also waters lawns for our out-of area sellers, and make sure the landscape is kept in tip top shape.
It’s not as confusing as it sounds; most clients are working with just one of our Realtors (Phyllis, Joe or my buyer’s agent). Joey does paperwork; Carol oversees the home, Phyllis, and Joe list and sell real estate.