Selling Your Home During The Holidays
Dear Phyllis,
We were hoping to get our home on the market before Labor Day but it took longer to get it ready than we planned. I am curious if you think it is too close to the holidays to get it ...
Dear Phyllis,
I have been waiting for several years to sell my home. I want to retire and move out of state to be nearer my children and grandchildren. Should I sell now or wait for prices to increase? Do you think home prices will conti...
Dear Phyllis,
I enjoy reading your questions and answers, and now I have a question: My youngest is nearly done with college (next fall). My husband and I want to sell the large home and get something more manageable. We hope to stay in ...
Helping Seniors Plan Their Move
Dear Phyllis,
My mother has begun to discuss selling her home and moving into a senior’s apartment complex. While I think this is a good idea, I believe it is too soon for her to give up her home. But...
Dear Phyllis,
Now that the higher end of the real estate market has cooled, we think it's a great time to move to a larger home. We don’t want to sell our home and have to move to an apartment. How do we go about selling our ...
Home buyers left behind
Dear Phyllis,
I have been looking for homes for over six months. I am feeling a bit panicked. A couple of weeks ago, I found a home online and contacted my real estate agent. We waited for the weekend open hous...
Dear Phyllis,
We have looked at homes for a few months and made an offer. There are six offers on this home, and our Realtor® told us we have to increase our offered price. The seller's Realtor® also said he couldn't disclose how much ...
Dear Phyllis,
I look forward to your weekly column. My husband and I are thinking of selling our home and moving to Nevada. He has a civil service pension and we could have a much higher standard of living there. Can you explain how to c...
Seniors, learn how to transfer your low property taxes when downsizing
Dear Phyllis,
My husband and I are planning on downsizing. But we are undecided if we should rent our present home and then perhaps rent something in San Diego whe...
What are the pros and cons of a long escrow?
Dear Phyllis,
I read your real estate column and understand that many homes are selling quickly. But I have a higher valued home which has been on and off the market for nearly a year. My a...