How to create curb appeal on a budget
Dear Phyllis,
My aunt passed away and I am therefore, the executor of her estate. I live in Northern California and don’t have time to do much before it gets on the market. I don’t mind doing ...
How much access is the buyer allowed for inspections?
Dear Phyllis,
I have been following your column for years and don’t recall seeing this question asked and or answered. Earlier this year, my fiancé and I bought our first home. ...
Dear Phyllis,
For several months my husband and I have been house hunting; we made two offers which weren’t accepted. The last home had five offers and we were told to come back with our “highest and best price”. It was so confusin...
Can a home seller change their mind?
Dear Phyllis,
A month ago, I put my home on the market. Even though we are experiencing a hot summer, I had lots of people coming to look. Packed open houses with several buyers returning for a sec...
Advice for first time home buyers
Dear Phyllis,
I have been back and forth about buying a home for the last three years. Each time I make an offer on a home, someone else’s offer is better, it’s either cash or they offered more mo...
Reasons a buyer should be prequalified prior to their home search
Dear Phyllis,
As a first time home buyer, I have calculated the payment for a $500,000 home and am comfortable with that amount. I am not prequalified and realtors seem...
How to sell a cluttered home
Dear Phyllis,
My mother wants to sell her home and move to senior housing in Orange County to be near my brother and his children. She has been in her home for more than 30 years. The amount of clutter she...
Inspection, repairs and credits - what is reasonable?
Dear Phyllis,
We submitted an offer on a home we really like. There were several offers and our Realtors® recommended that we didn’t attempt to negotiate the asking price and ac...
As is home sales
Dear Phyllis,
We just opened escrow on a home and had our inspector out. There are numerous things wrong with the house. Many will cost a lot of money to fix. The plumbing is galvanized, the roof is near the end of it...
Dear Phyllis,
We own a home in Glendale, which we unsuccessfully tried to sell a couple of years ago. We hope to move to La Canada or La Crescenta but first need to sell. What do you think are the most common selling mistakes we should a...