All about the earnest money deposit
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
Your column is one of the first things I look for in the CV Weekly. I know real estate has changed since I purchas...
Realtor’s long vacation
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
I used to look forward to your real estate question and answers. However, much of it seems repetitive. I have a new topic for ...
Ask Phyllis is a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Have a question about real estate? Email us here
Dear Phyllis,
I am heavily relying on price per square foot when making offers but I have lost bidding wars on tw...
How to get a date of death valuation?
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
I am the trustee of my brother’s estate. The trust attorney’s secretary told me I need a date of death valuati...
Neighbors and Fencing
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis, I have been enjoying your real estate questions and answers for years, and I think I have a new situation for you. The neighbor to th...
Rat found during the inspection.
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
While in escrow and during the inspection, a rat jumped out of the bedroom into the kitchen and seemed to hide there, p...
Why is an open house important?
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
My daughter has her Arizona home listed for sale. She didn’t want an open house due to security reasons. In addition, sh...
Trustee not acting as a fiduciary
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
My aunt never had children, and her trust named her five nieces and nephews beneficiaries. The eldest nephew was the...
When is it time for a price reduction?
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
As an avid follower of your column, I have yet to see this question discussed. I have three siblings and am the t...
Is hiring a trust sale specialist important?
Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.
Dear Phyllis,
I am the executor of my grandmother’s estate. She lived in North Hollywood, and I will be selling her h...