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Real Estate Question and Answer

ask phyllis a real estate question

Buyers keep texting after closing

Buyers keep texting after closing.   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, My sister recently sold her Toluca Lake home. She hired a local Realtor and had more than ten offers. The h...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

Should I go to open houses without my agent?

Should I go to open houses without my agent?   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, I have been searching for a home in the Foothills since the beginning of the year. As many new li...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

Why do Realtors Grossly Underprice Homes?

Why do Realtors Grossly Underprice Homes?   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, I recently read an article in another paper about a home in South Pasadena listed for $1,349,000 and...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

Realtor’s Open House Behavior

Realtor's Open House Behavior   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, I love your real estate column and appreciate your wisdom. My son's Realtor typically goes to open houses with h...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

Saving money on mold remediation

Saving money on mold remediation   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, My godson made an offer on a townhome and was so excited to be the winning bidder. He opened escrow and did h...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

My neighbor wants to buy my house

My neighbor wants to buy my house   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, Your column is the first thing I look for in the CV Weekly. I am hoping you can help with a bit of a dilemma...

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ask phyllis a real estate question

Why would a buyer make an offer and then back out?

Why would a buyer make an offer and then back out?   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, I love reading your real estate advice! And have a new scenario for you. My son lives in th...

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Seller Options When The Appraisal Comes In Low

How long will it take to sell my home?

How long will it take to sell my home?   Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions. Dear Phyllis, My company is relocating to Florida, and they will be paying my selling expenses. I have read your colu...

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Seller Options When The Appraisal Comes In Low

What should the list price of my home be?

What should the list price of my home be? Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions published in the Crescenta Valley Weekly. Dear Phyllis, My wife and I refinanced our mortgage last October to obtain a more f...

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Is waiving the home inspection a mistake?

Is waiving the home inspection a mistake? Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions published in the Crescenta Valley Weekly. Dear Phyllis, My daughter recently purchased a home in Orange County. It’s still ...

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