I grew up in Glendale, my sister, brother and I all attended Glendale schools. My grandparents lived in Glendale, and most of my cousins did too. The first home I owned was in Glendale’s Brand Park neighborhood. It had the sweetest octagonal peg and groove entry. After George and I married, my family left Glendale for Washington State. Soon after, George and I moved to La Canada to be near his family. Of course, the La Canada schools were a plus.
The schools keep La Canada’s real estate values high. The homes in La Canada’s Sagebrush neighborhood (West of Rosebank) are part of Glendale Unified and sell for less than their La Canada neighbors in the highly ranked La Canada school district. Perhaps 15% – 20% less. I have had many clients over the years who struggled (both financially and mentally) with purchasing small three-bedroom two-bath fixers in the coveted LCUSD when they could have purchased so much more in Sagebrush.
Over the past two decades any talk of incorporating these residences in the school district was usually met with disapproval. Many La Canada LCUSD homeowners didn’t want to give something away that they struggled to afford. But fast forward to 2013 – our school district needs money, and it appears that La Canada may be getting close to uniting as one district.
In June, the city council passed a resolution supporting the transfer. If Sagebrush homes enter the district, a proposed $450 parcel tax collected from nearly 900 area parcels would provide La Canada schools almost $400,000 annually. It’s expected this proposal will be on the March 2014 ballot.
The good news for La Canada home buyers is that there may be more La Canada homes available in the coveted LCUSD. On the other hand, La Canada home sellers already in the district will have increased competition when selling their home.