‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: A Realtor’s Tale
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Harb’s sign was carefully placed on the lawn, hoping that eager buyers would soon be there.
Realtors at the broker’s open had been fed while visions of buyers danced in their heads. An open house was held, and one buyer thought the bedroom wouldn’t fit the furniture he’d bought.
But out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter. It was another buyer for whom the bedroom didn’t matter! He made an offer with style, flash, and flair. He tore open his briefcase and started counting out cash right there.
I fretted the appraisal might come in low, but ultimately, only the appraiser would know. When, to my wondering eyes, an email from the lender should appear—”the appraisal is clear”!
With Tri-Pacific Termite so pleasant and quick, I knew in a moment our escrow would stick. Additional home inspections all seemed the same; We clapped, cheered, and called for them by name:
“Now Roofer, Now Seismic, Now Painter and Pool. Let’s get through this, and everything’s cool. Let’s check out the chimney – we had this down pat. More estimates, more bids, then it was over like that.”